Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 30
04107 Leipzig
Instagram ID: stilkontorleipzig
Who are you and what is your role within the store?
My name is Danny Kurzeja and I´m the owner of the Stilkontor. We are based in Leipzig, the “City of Heroes”. Beside our brick and mortar store we run a webstore.

Can you describe what kind of store you have?
Stilkontor is a clothing store for men and we offer traditional menswear. That means not only items with the look of the past. Traditional made contemporary pieces are part of our assortment too. We always try to find items in best qualities, made by small and passionate brands.
Which brands are the core of the store collection?
The core brands are Pike Brothers, Indigofera, Eat Dust, Red Wing Shoes and many more. Our store is based on long term partnerships, but we are also open minded for new ideas and ways.

Is there one brand in particular that is selling the best at the moment, which one is it, and why do you think it’s so successful?
We work with Pike Brothers since the beginning. Every year and season it´s our best-selling brand cause they always find the best mix of quality, designs, pricing and availability.
How do you select/spot new brands to add to the store?
We use every possibility we have. Tradeshows, social channels, journals, I love travelling to discover new ideas and I love talking to people about our business in general and our niche particularly.

What is your favorite pair of jeans?
At the moment it´s a Blue Blanket P09. I like jeans as wide as possible and I like the work of Antonio di Battista, the man behind Blue Blanket Jeans. He is a denim enthusiast with enormous knowledge and produces authentic denims and clothing.
How important are social channels to the store these days?
Because of the current circumstances they are more important than ever before.
What kind of music are you playing mostly in the store?
Depends on our mood, a mix between Hardrock and Jazz. And sometimes we turn the speakers off.

Are you selling other goods as well next to clothing, if so, what kind of products?
We dress up our customers from head to toe, including accessories like belts, wallets, braces and so on. I think in complete outfits when I´m ordering.
I don´t like concept stores that much. We are specialized in clothing and shoes.
What can we expect in the future of the store?
I always work on new ideas, so stay tuned.